Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Airsoft is a modern combat sport or recreational hobby in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting each other with spherical non-metallic rounds fired from a compressed-air gun (or airsoft gun) powered by gas, manual spring-load, or electrically powered gearbox.
Airsoft participants organize meetings at dedicated airsoft battlefields often adapted to provide walls, bunkers, trenches, buildings, towers, and other similar man-made field enhancements to offer realism analogous to real war environments.
Airsoft games vary greatly in style and composition depending on location, budget, and quantity of participants but often range from short-term skirmishes, organized
scenarios, military simulations, or historical reenactments.
Combat situations on the battlefield often involve the use of common
military tactics to achieve the objectives set in each game. Participants typically use varying types of non-lethal weaponry designed as replicas of real firearms, tactical gear, and accessories used by modern military and police organizations.
The first airsoft gun was made in the 1950s by Mattel as a children's toy named Shootin' Shells.[
citation needed] Advancements in manufacturing of replica airsoft guns have entirely evolved the sport and greatly deviated it from the all-plastic toy guns of the past.
Today airsoft continues to be a sport widely associated with
paintball. There is interest in airsoft in Asia, North America and Europe.

Playing basketball

I remember when I was young 1st hold to a ball when I saw my family laughing at me because I do not know how to play basketball. But when I am getting older, I change I practice and practice to perform it correctly. I have a dream, a dream that’s encourage me to continue to play basketball, Because it is on of the exercise and makes my body to stay fit and healthy and keeps away from the disease or illness. Playing basketball is not bad sports. When I am older I still play basketball.

Im yayay! =(

Later last 2008 particularly 2nd semester. I have suffered from a skin allergy I didn’t know where I get it; my skin is very sensitive small scratch the allergy is getting bigger and bigger. Many can cause or can make it trigger food, pollen and dust. At first it is hard for me to manage myself with this kind of allergy. Because it’s my first time to encounter such disease. I have my difficulties to control it. If my allergy start to come out I am taking anti-histamine for my allergy is partially stop. But before this, I saw my girlfriend she has a skin allergy and I wish to God that what is if I have also this disease will I survive it. And god has given it to me. And this is my price. Be careful of what you wish for.

Shoes addict!!!

me?! I am a shoes addict. I want to buy shoes and collect them. I have 12 pairs of shoes and counting. I want to buy shoes because for me buying shoes isn’t bad as long as you use it. I want to collect them. I want shoes that I have for my basketball, formal occasion, and ordinary days. It is hard for me to buy shoes nowadays because I don’t have yet the sources of income of my own. But, if I have already my job I continue to buy shoes. Because I believe if I buy shoes it can make me feel happy. It can fade all my stress if I have seen my co9llection of my shoes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A father and a Son

I remember when i was young father and i were very close. Because were always together, wherever he go i go with him. For me my father was he greatest dad in the world! because i remember before we have complete the bike 1st we buy the body of th bike, then after it we started to assemble the bike. later i have discover that my father was before a biker he showme some tricks and i was amaze. I wish someday i could be like him. i wish i could be a child again cause i miss my father and i want to let him know how much i love him. when my father and my mother have separated when i am in Grade 5 i did not ask the reason why. in my graduation in elementary my father and mother have attended. in my 1st yr of my high school my father go to london to work and after 6 months went home. i grew up missing my father, i have attend my graduation on high school without my father and until hes not coming home he's now in qatar. every time i hear my father's voice when he calls i started to cry, because i remember the times that were together the bonding we have share. the bonding of a father and a son is different among all. this bonding was unique and happy. My advice to you who can read this, love your father and thank him for all what he have done, share time with your father and let him feel how much you love him. make your way to spend time with him. i wish i could be a child again....

Life of Being a Student Nurse

My life had drastically change when i started studying nursing. Its because it is not easy to my part to adjust from fresh graduate on high school. high school is different from college, in college you have to struggle to success in life and achieve your goals in life. You have to be independent and know how to stand with your own feet. No one can help you only your self. sometimes in my course i felt lazy going to school because of your tired. in community exposure you have to deal with different kinds of people, you have to be communicate properly and let them understand what is the purpose of coming there. Before in community exposure we have to perform return demonstration. here in RD you perform the correct procedure you are going to demonstrate. your clinical instructor will help and guide you to perform it correctly and properly and give some techniques. It is hard to be a nursing student but if your mind, body and soul are molded properly you have no problem.